Teenagers, stress and back pain. Do those connections sound
familiar? They should. They are often quoted in relation to adults, but what
about teens? Teenagers experience them, too, and sometimes the academic stress
exacerbates them. So Amelia Chiropractic Clinic welcomes teenagers to the
Fernandina Beach chiropractic practice. The Fernandina Beach chiropractic
care at Amelia Chiropractic Clinic may be just as relieving for teens as it is for their
parents and grandparents!
Not surprisingly, researchers explain that Chinese students experience
a heavy burden of learning, a high level of stress and sleep deprivation which
are similar to issues with chronic pain. What types of pain?
- 30.3% headache.
- 20.9% abdominal pain.
- 32.8% neck and shoulder pain.
- 41.1% low back pain. (1,2)
Are Fernandina Beach teens under any less stress? Not likely. Amelia Chiropractic Clinic
is here to partner with teens’ parents to help their teens manage these conditions.
So here in the US, it’s well known that low back pain is reportedly
the single most common cause of disability in for those 45 years of age and
younger. (3) Amelia Chiropractic Clinic shares this statistic all the time! Teens are
younger than 45 years, and back pain can disrupt their lives as well. Keep in
mind that discs start to degenerate in the second decade of life. (4,5) That’s
in the teen years! Amelia Chiropractic Clinic certainly offers its gentle spinal manipulation,
Cox Technic, to Fernandina Beach teens with back pain and neck pain and
incorporates nutrition to support disc health and prevent degeneration.
Now, in addition to nutrition for the disc itself to reduce
back pain in teens, a new study suggests that vitamin C may improve academic
performance and be effective in managing related academic anxiety that may lead
to chronic pain conditions. The study showed that anxiety levels decreased with
higher levels of vitamin C, and mean heart rates in the vitamin C group were
better. (6) Amelia Chiropractic Clinic so enjoys the nutrition aspect of chiropractic
care. It’s amazing what can be achieved with something so simple as a diet rich
in vitamin C!
So if you are the parent of a Fernandina Beach teen who
suffers with back pain or neck pain or stress related to school– or such a teen
yourself! – know that chiropractic care may be a relieving addition to your
life. So contact your Fernandina Beach chiropractor or have your parent do
so, and experience just how chiropractic may relieve your back as well as your
stress to boot.
"This information and website content is not intended to diagnose, guarantee results, or recommend specific treatment or activity. It is designed to educate and inform only. Please consult your physician for a thorough examination leading to a diagnosis and well-planned treatment strategy. See more details on the
DISCLAIMER page. Content is reviewed by
Dr. James M. Cox I."